

Johnny uses a Godin
Acousticaster, a Godin
Johnny also has his 1939 Gibson J-45, that
belonged |

Johhny has been groovin' on his new Reeve's Space Cowboy from Destroy All Guitars. He pairs this incredible
100w head with two of his signature Johnny Hiland 4x12 cabinets (loaded with Celestion G12-K100's) from Avatar speakers.
Johnny also uses Fat Jimmy Amps, available direct from Destroy All Guitars,
Space Cowboy Demos:
Like many guitar players, Johnny is always on the hunt for new effects to enhance his tone.
Here is some new gear Johnny has been checking out, as well as the effects that are used on his pedalboards.
Johnny has 4 main pedal boards. He uses
Earthboard pedal boards and powers them with
Lab and Earthboard power supplies.
Touring: Earthboards Johnny Hiland
Studio: Pedaltrain Pro
Club gigs: Earthboards Johnny Hiland
Fly dates: Earthboards 1020
Earthboard Power Station
Origin Effects Cali76 Compressor
TC Electronic Hyper Gravity Compressor
Barber Tone Press
Empress Compressor
Johnny Hiland Sweet Spot Super Drive
TC Electronic Mojo Mojo Overdrive
Jetter Red Shift
Hardwire Tube Overdrive
Barber Small Fry
Big Joe Vintage Tube
Carl Martin Plexitone Single Channel
MXR Custom Badass 78' Distortion
This is a must
have pedal,
for Johnny,
on every board! This pedal cuts all
un-needed noise from
your signal,
without gating your tone.
TC Electronic Hall of Fame Reverb
DLS RotoSim
Digitech Polara Reverb
Hardwire Tremolo
Hardwire Phaser
Hardwire Delay
Hardwire Reverb
Big Joe Phaser
Keeley Johnny Hiland Memphis Sun
TC Electronic Pipeline Tremolo
Digitech Whammy Ricochet
Dunlop CAE Wah
Loop Masters 10 loop pedal switcher